Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Reflective Essay towards ENG-480 Experiences' Presentation!

As a beginning of class, everyone seemed to be ready for their presentations. Some were excited and some were confident. Most stories were in same streamline, but various presentation methods. In order to respond my class observation, I intend to divide the main classification into two groups, presentation method and presentation content.

Most presenting methods were in line of voices recording. Using this method was a good technique for those people who didn’t want to speak up in front of class. They had a time to prepare their contexts without any pressure from classmates. When they forgot their scripts, they could bring it up and read something inside through their voices recorder. When they stuck with some sentences or words, they could stop their stuffs in order to recall some contexts, moreover, to read their scripts as a scuba diver’s regulator. Without regulator, scuba diver may die at 50 meters deep underneath the sea. Actually, I didn’t agree with those people who used this trick. It was not a good way to express real abilities in English. Anyway, I realize that Contemporary English Language and Communication aims to encourage and increase students’ English abilities in contemporary world, but in a real world, those students may have no chance to stop and read theirs scripts. I accept that students’ abilities in ENG-480 are different. I don’t blame those people who used this strategy, just want to suggest them, expressing something on a stage is better than hiding behind a curtain. For doing that, no one will laugh at you; they will admire and please you because of your bravery. This visible force will push on you for being real Englishers, definitely. For other methods, there were front class live presentations by using visual media, power points and videos, except, only one group which simulated themselves as a seminar in English learning strategies.

A presentation I liked most is Natsuda and her partner, sorry for my memory lapse on her partner’s name. A way they used to call classmates’ attentions was very creative and effective, sang a song of inspirations.

All presenting contents were similar. Students presented their attitudes toward English experiences in term of positive/negative attitude, relationship between them and English and learning strategy. Contents were specified backward to their previous lives related to their English experiences. Truly, I couldn’t catch all classmates’ details because most of them used voices recording and those stuffs were not good qualities enough, for example, messy speeches, low bit rates and some weird vocabularies. For those who used live presentations, I also couldn’t catch all details. Most of them stood behind a computer desk and didn’t speak clearly. Some spoke very speedy without any breathing or blinking their eyes.

Overall image of this activity was very effective. Everyone had a chance to split their remembrances out to their classmates of what the factors influenced them to learn English in nowadays. By many reasons of our classmates could be our guidelines for improving our learning inspirations. Objectives of this activity could encourage students in order to don’t escape from the situations we had faced. Use those events as bullets and use nowadays of being as a gun to terminate your target, that is, A Liberal of Arts, program in English Bachelor’s Degree.


  1. OMG! How dare u publish ur reflective essay? hahahaha go on! go on! dude! that's very good comment which directly hit to the point! i agree!

  2. Wo...thanks a lot for yor comment dude...yeah, I dare to post my essay through this blog cuz it was real things which happened in out class and it could possibly be a way to help them confident.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. absolutelyyyyyyyyyy agree!!

    sometimes i think i gave students' too much freedom. don't you think?

    as Joke said, i expected the speakers to have a balance amount of the dry(ready made) presentation and the fresh ones, if they decided not to take the whole time on the stage.

    what i can do most is boosting up a small dose of confidence day by day. i hope it will work out, to some degree, one day in the near future.

    I've been thinking to use my blog as a platform for Reflective essay# 2. Yet, i don't want to bombard ENG-380 Englishers as they've under the blog stream. I'd like to draw the line between both courses. Although I use blog as a study tool, the context and the focus are different.

    what do you all think?

    BOSS G.
    Real busy these days.

  5. Dear Aj.Gob

    it's a good one...

    I really like to do something online not just only in the offline lol

    I think aj. always wake students up ^^ but all the time it seems to be mad ^^

    hopefully I wanna see our ENGLISHERS more confident. :)

    I wish ^^

    FOR @JOKE thanks for ya kindness ^^
    I'm glad to hearing that.

  6. Surprisingly, fat thanks to Aj,Gob and Pui for coming and menting in my humble blog...haha:P

    @Aj,Gob, a very kindness teacher,

    I definitely recognized your attempts and your goals in order to kick our asses forward. You always did great things to us, every class,every time you had a chance, even outside class.

    I always accepted that our class had various Englishers' skills.
    It was very difficult for managing and dealing with diversified requirements. Activities, what should I say...for some good English skills students felt ,sometimes, activities were spent times too much. As I said, I recognized way you did. It was good for those fair Eng skills students, no poor Eng skills students in our class, I believe that, haha.

    For instance, a latest blog on FB's case. I'm not sure when is a dead line, but I know its very far from now...

    I know you had reasons for that, let me guess, to let students feel free on reflecting blog anytime they want, to give a time for those students who may have tons of works.

    Actually, latest assignment was very easy one, just typed a reflection 150 words on what teacher pinned, 30 minutes was enough. It seemed to be.....X......for them participating in this activity...but can't blame them, time hasn't come yet!

    Haha...when talking about something had to use critical thinking or rational idea...Thai students always dodged, this case might be the same, haha.

    Hey, its very risky me for writing this, haha...cause I referred to majority students in class,haha...:P

    Last but not least...<<< what kind of IDM is it?...:S, don't worry on what you did my kindness teacher, they were all good things for us. I should NOT say this ,but we, most 4th year Eng students, have less than 2 months left in our beloved college...2 months of comfortable lives, stupid childhoods, retarded habits and especially, 2 months of being students well indicated and directed by "TEACHERs" toward something we called "Successful Future"...............Hey, straight out of line too much...:P

    Thing I'd like to say is " 2 months left, will they recognize in lessons or not, up to them..." Think different but not separate".........." Think stupid will be terminated" :P

    Aj,Gob, I have a quote for you:

    " Like better use violence, if you have it in your mind. It's better than deceive oneself as you are a good guy in order to hide soulless in yourself.", Mahatma Gandhi. He fighted for what he believed in. Therefore, I asked myself, what do I believe in?

    Keep kicking our asses harder, our kindness teacher!!! ^^


    Well, time for another lost one. @Pui

    .....haha....nothing to say much, just only agree with your idea on what you are looking for, " Our friends' confident"

    ...I used lot of energy for above reflection...and now, my body system's sending me a signal of emergency shutting down!

    I'm afraid that...your reflec..ti..o....n!@#@!$!@!@$

    Warning! Warning! Warning!

    " Your body systems have come to an overload period, turn off

    your systems immediately"..!@%@#

    !@#$!" Danger! Danger! Caution! Caution! Warning!"!@#!@

    --------" Your systems have been terminated automatically"--------

    -------------------Rebooting time on next 10 hours--------------------

    * Systems is hibernating!"
