Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"F*cking Grammar!"

Since I had begun my English lessons in fifth-grade, I had no idea what an English was. I tried lots on my thinking for that question. One day, I can't remember when, I realized English was a language many people around the world used for communicating. At that time, English, only three things significant for me, speaking, listening, and reading.

Truly, I had never and ever loved in writing because of its rules. Today, I had a class called "College Composition" which is aiming to develop students' advanced writing skills. I also had no idea in this class, had no participation much when they were talking about Tense or Grammar. I didn't know whether what to answer..or...how to say about Tense or Grammar. In class, I did exercises in term of articles using, gap feeling, and some grammar reminding. For those contents, I could completely engage them, but when teacher exposed the answers, I,myself, had absolutely been stunned by those awful tense patterns.

I had no inspirations or any pushing forward energy for theses things...most answers were correct, yet there were a few incorrect answers which I realized they could be used in contexts, but the exposing were different, according to Grammar Theory....Somehow, I intended to understand what Grammar Theory had been identified. It indicated me to recall what I have been believing. Sometime, those things may not be occurred as I expected.

Question! : Why I have to depend on Grammar Theory when I'm writing something through my feeling, not through remembrances of those F*cking Grammar...

What is this tense?....It is a past perfect continuous tense...!! ridiculous!

Why don't we pay more attention to other significant things instead of memorizing those stuffs which may or may not improve your English abilities, by the way, significant things I mentioned are, e.g,. notion, belief, origination, self-confident, inspiration, faith and intention. Even though, those stuffs already infiltrated into your blood, they don't make any sense if you just only know what they are, but don't know how they are used...in order to indicating yourselves as "Real Englishers".

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ENG-480 Autobiography's Planning!

Truely, I have tons of works to accopmplish, but I pretend myself as I have nothing to do, freaking.

Consequently, in order to make myself more benefits than sitting and refreshing my facebook page, I decide to begin my autobiography planning, although, AjarnGob doesn't say "yes" about my topic.

Well, first of all, I didn't know what I should write about myself in term of learning English. I used t o write my autobiography when I was in Topics in Writing of Ajarn Natamon class. I wrote it as a book called " 9 ". "9" or "Gaow" represented my life since the beginning til nowadays which consisted of my attitudes toward my teachers also the conflictions between me and those teachers.

I accept, that time, my contents were quite intense, but I wrote it through my true feelings. Actually, I didn't intend to blame thoses teachers for any fault, just wanted to express my story to readers who may had same situations. - -" What I'm talking about?...out of direction...

Well, back to my major point that I'm going to plan my autobiography. Ummmm.....
Arhh.........Woo..........Huuu.......What should I begin? Arh...!!!!

Autobiography's Topic: " .50 Caliber bullet in my head from being an enemy of English"nice hah?

Theme: Um...." Negative reinforcement, Relationship toward English and Personification"

Type of work: Arh......Novel maybe...or Shot Story....or what else?...whatever,but must be published on this blog!!!!

What's next?....What I have to think about writing something, cuz I have never made a plan for my writing.

About...detail? Arhh....my autobio will be...??????.....concluded by one negative point and....relationship and peronification will be indicated later.

More? I think, that are enough for my planning, factually, only topic and theme are enough for me. I like writing without any planning ,except those two things I mentioned. Have to think out side your panties dudes!

Too much for today hah? I feel very hungry now at 10.30 PM., but sorry my stomach, I can not break my dieting rule that I have to eat only one meal per day...but in this case Um.....NO!

C U later.....Idiot readers, hope you enjoy with my stuffs...Thanks! ^3^

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Reflective Essay towards ENG-480 Experiences' Presentation!

As a beginning of class, everyone seemed to be ready for their presentations. Some were excited and some were confident. Most stories were in same streamline, but various presentation methods. In order to respond my class observation, I intend to divide the main classification into two groups, presentation method and presentation content.

Most presenting methods were in line of voices recording. Using this method was a good technique for those people who didn’t want to speak up in front of class. They had a time to prepare their contexts without any pressure from classmates. When they forgot their scripts, they could bring it up and read something inside through their voices recorder. When they stuck with some sentences or words, they could stop their stuffs in order to recall some contexts, moreover, to read their scripts as a scuba diver’s regulator. Without regulator, scuba diver may die at 50 meters deep underneath the sea. Actually, I didn’t agree with those people who used this trick. It was not a good way to express real abilities in English. Anyway, I realize that Contemporary English Language and Communication aims to encourage and increase students’ English abilities in contemporary world, but in a real world, those students may have no chance to stop and read theirs scripts. I accept that students’ abilities in ENG-480 are different. I don’t blame those people who used this strategy, just want to suggest them, expressing something on a stage is better than hiding behind a curtain. For doing that, no one will laugh at you; they will admire and please you because of your bravery. This visible force will push on you for being real Englishers, definitely. For other methods, there were front class live presentations by using visual media, power points and videos, except, only one group which simulated themselves as a seminar in English learning strategies.

A presentation I liked most is Natsuda and her partner, sorry for my memory lapse on her partner’s name. A way they used to call classmates’ attentions was very creative and effective, sang a song of inspirations.

All presenting contents were similar. Students presented their attitudes toward English experiences in term of positive/negative attitude, relationship between them and English and learning strategy. Contents were specified backward to their previous lives related to their English experiences. Truly, I couldn’t catch all classmates’ details because most of them used voices recording and those stuffs were not good qualities enough, for example, messy speeches, low bit rates and some weird vocabularies. For those who used live presentations, I also couldn’t catch all details. Most of them stood behind a computer desk and didn’t speak clearly. Some spoke very speedy without any breathing or blinking their eyes.

Overall image of this activity was very effective. Everyone had a chance to split their remembrances out to their classmates of what the factors influenced them to learn English in nowadays. By many reasons of our classmates could be our guidelines for improving our learning inspirations. Objectives of this activity could encourage students in order to don’t escape from the situations we had faced. Use those events as bullets and use nowadays of being as a gun to terminate your target, that is, A Liberal of Arts, program in English Bachelor’s Degree.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


"What's up people!... What?.... Don't you know where you
are?...Um.... Wanna guess? Arh! Let me tell you then. Here is my blog, actually, it doesn't really like others ENG-380 student blogs. Those were making for grades, but all the things they've done, will turn back to them finally. For example, ablities to create their own blogs, more creativities, up to date and know more about wolrd wide.
Unfortunately, I didn't have an opportunity to join this class, anyway, I added another subject instead, ENG-480. Both subjects were same, students in another class also had to deal with blogs, but didn't need to create own blogs. In fact, I would love to produce my own blog ,but Ajarn Kob had no plan about that. It was okay,haha. Today, I had just begun my blog and it stole my time for 4 hours without any development. I just stuck with the theme of my blog. That was very retarded. The main reason that why I created this blog was, nothing. Kidding! I didn't know why I did this, it might because I went to Champ's blog and commented his stuffs and I thought that " I have a new place to say somthing stupid",so....that was the reason. ^^ Off for today..have to go! C U!