A Book of Goliath (Autobiography)

          This Autobiography aims to express the idea of relationship between one significant part of English theory and writer. It's been represented by using the making situation as a plot and using Goliath Vladimir Snider as a writer. Main story’s objective is to find the book called “English Grammar”. 

                              A Book of Goliath
                                 (Full Version)

        “A bullet represents authorities while A book represents intellects of oneself” by Anonymous

“Captain down! Captain down! Call a medic!” That were the last exclaiming I’ve heard from my close friend before I fell down to the bloody ground. My name is Goliath Vladimir Snider. I was a captain of Mercury Company, a supreme tactical unit of Agacia. In October, 23, 2142, my company had been sent to protect civilians in the south of Agacia, unfortunately, we were too late. The village had been destroyed and left by Lorencia’s troops before we arrived. Those civilians who had a few injuries we had to protect them to a near village sixty kilometers faraway, a distance. My company had been separated into four platoons and extended into four positions to convoy a caravan. A caravan consisted of seventy-four women, eighty-five men, one hundred and twenty-four children, fifty-four old people, and my company, one hundred troopers. I positioned myself in front of a caravan with my close friend, Anakyll, a most brutal soldier I’ve ever seen. Anakyll and I have fought in many wars together. We always looked after each other back all the times. That day, it should to be the same. Actually, I have got a confidential order from my commander to protect one of civilians who had a book called “English Grammar”, an only one book every leader in the world needed to be an owner. Why was that? Since our world had been destroyed in 2050 by a nuclear war, most living things and buildings had also been destroyed. 40 years later, nuclear war was ended and nothing left much, even any book.

In 2090, every country tired to re-build and make everything back. In that time, it seemed there should have a head quarter arranging everything. Leaders all over the world chose my country to be that place by a reason that my country had the most powerful army in the world. My leader has send many troops to find everything which useful and valuable for building a new world also that day, October, 23, 2142. I didn’t have only a mission to protect civilians, but had to bring a man with the book back to Agacia. Along the way we have walked, I always watched to that man silently. There was an evening we walked through a death village. I gave a signal to my company to stop and search all of building. Suddenly, attacking was started. There were many Lorencia’s troopers inside the buildings. We were definitely adverse because we were on a lower area. I gave an order to my company to open fire. I was absolutely attacked by a question how I should do, my men was dying one by one. While I was thinking about it, I saw the book laid down on the ground covering by a red textile. I tried to order someone to pick it up, but there was no one. Civilians were hiding in forest while my troopers were dying on the ground. A few seconds later, I called Anakyll to request air supports from base. I crouched behind an old car which had lots of bullet holes. I have recalled my main order to bring the book back to my base. While I was reloading my ammo, I saw three enemies ran out from building and tried to take the book. I shot two of them down and another has been killed by my sniper team. I fast ran out from my cover to pick the book up, I grabbed it and tried to look at any enemy movement. Instantly, I have been shot by .50 Caliber, a long range sniper rifle which has maximum effective at 1,829 m. A bullet has been shot from a clock tower 6 kilometers faraway. My hands were held the book tightly while my eyes saw Anakyll ran out from his cover trying to drag me away from the road when air supports just arrived and destroyed all of building around me.

Two years later, I woke up in a bio-remedy tank. I was still a captain of Mercury Company. My psychical efficiency had been recovered to 80%. By that, I could operate every combat skills, but weren’t better than before. However, I had been recalled in duty by my commander, in May, 15, 2145, a day I re-positioned again.
Everyone seemed very delightful when saw me back in position. Anakyll, my fellow, hugged me with pleasure. He gave me back my combat gears I always used, SCAR-H ACOG Sight, M14EBR Scoped Silenced, Desert Eagle pistol, and my uniform. As I was ready in operation, my commander definitely gave me a new mission. He wanted me to lead a new special unit consisted of 5 greatest troopers, Anakyll, Ghost, Goldberg, Murdock, and Kane. An order was to find and rescue Dr. Gabriel who could read all contents in “English Grammar” book. This operation had 48 hours to be completed. Our nark reported Dr. Gabriel had been captured to Lorencia 28 hours ago.
1 hour before mission had been started; I went to security room where “English Grammar” book has been kept. There were ten soldiers protecting the door while others five were checking around. I went into the room where lots of books have been collected.  “English Grammar” book has been kept in high-quality mirrors and covered by highest-laser censored system. I wondered to know what contents inside “English Grammar” were. I used my secret tool hacking a security password and opened “English Grammar”. At the first sentence of the book, it said “English grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the English language. I didn’t read it by myself.  My secret tool could read any language in the world.

It could translate any type of alphabet into spoken worlds by using laser censoring. All civilians in Agacia could not read or write English. I placed the book back into its place and went to see my team with many doubts in my head. At the weapon room, my team was ready and waiting for my order. After I finished my mission briefing, Airbus A400M was ready to take off. Our operations were to parachute into Lorecia’s capital and rescue our parcel by avoiding a confrontation as much as we could. 

            It was May, 16, 2145, 21.30 pm; we had arrived above Lorencia’s capital and dropping point would be reached in 3 minutes.  Everyone prepared combat gears to be ready. I recalled our main objective again, this time we had to sweep and clean, Anakyll, heavy weapon and explosive, Ghost, sniper rifle and communication, Goldberg, assault rifle and vehicle, Kane, assault rifle and medic, Murdock, shotgun and mechanic, Goliath, assault rifle and commander. 

           21.33 pm. Above Lorencia’s capital, dropping point.

“Prepare to jump, we will reach jumping point in 10 seconds.” pilot said.  

“Green light! Green light! Go! Go! Go!” pilot assistant shouted from control room.

Kane jumped first, Anakyll, Ghost, Goldberg, Murdock and me at 2,500 feet, height.

We reached to the ground in 4 minutes and hid our parachutes into bushes. Ghost used GPS to locate where Dr. Gabriel has been captured and it was “North, 2 kilometers ahead.”

We started moving by following GPS path. There were lots of buildings and many troopers walking on street. We hid behind buildings and shadows in order to avoid a confrontation. I ordered Ghost to go inside clock tower and engage all enemies to take a position. It was a place where Ghost’s rifle could see every movement on the street, good for us to have a sniper watching our backs. I gave a signal to Murdock and Kane to check up front building both downstairs and upstairs. Murdock and Kane went into building and searched for any enemy. During they were searching, I ordered Anakyll to place his C4 bombs at every surrounding building. I and Goldberg moved inside building after Kane did a signal. Downstairs, there were 3 soldiers have been killed by Kane’s silent pistol and upstairs, there were 2 soldiers have been killed by Apache knife of Murdock.

We moved out to another building in order to kill an enemy as much as we could. It would be good when we had to pass this way again. We moved quietly beneath building shadows. 

Now, we were on the street, lots of patrolling troopers and dogs.

“Ghost, how many patrollers on street?” I asked.
“I can count 24 patrollers and 6 dogs, boss.” Ghost replied.

The building where Dr. Gabriel has been imprisoned was 700 meters ahead and we had to clear all of patrollers away. Anakyll was back into position and told me there were lots of armful soldiers inside the building and tanks were coming.

 “No more sweep and clean anymore, we will engage all of them after my signal.” I said. “Ghost, prepare to engage.” “Roger that, boss.” 

“Ghost, Do you see any sniper?”

“No, boss, there are only infantry-men and 2 commanders.”
“Alright team; this is what we’re going to do, we’ll engage all enemies on the street quickly, and move inside building. I and Anakyll will search for Gabriel. Kane and Murdock, both of you stand by downstairs and Goldberg, you go upstairs and get in position, waiting for my command. Ghost, kill as much as you can and when you see my cracker, call for air supports and helicopter, don’t forget, effectively kill and smooth, alright!”

“Use your Night Visions and wait for my signal.”

"It’s going to be good, this time my team will be survived again, no one is going to die here, everyone has to go back, all of them.” I thought. 

“Open Fire!” I ordered to my team, suddenly, lots of Lorencia’s troopers have been shot without any feeling, lots of ammo shells were dropped to the ground as same as our enemies.

We still hid behind bunkers; many troopers ran out from the building and tried to shoot against us. 

Many troopers have been killed by Ghost from clock tower and he could help lots in order to reduce trooper numbers. 

“RPG, at ten o’clock, boss” Murdock shouted.
 “Yeah, I see him.” I said.
“Ghost, RPG at ten o’clock, over” “Affirmative boss, RPG at ten o’clock, engaged!”
“Keep firing!”  I ordered.
“We have to kill all of them, tanks are coming, hurry!” I shouted.
Times passed a way, the ground, once used to be a beautiful road; it became a road of scream, violence, and death. Every bullet I shot has killed a father of sons and a son of mother, but it was a war, we had to accept it. Lots of bloods, organs and dead bodies scattered all over the road. We spent times clearing the road for one hour and no one injured, thanks God.

We slowly move to front of building, some troopers were still inside. 

“Hey, Kane, use your heat vision to scan the building.” I ordered.

 “10 troopers, sir, full arms and one is a commander.” Kane reported. 

“Alright, same plan as we planned, keep an eye opens, go!” I stated.

I and Anakyll moved down to basement, it was a big building, 4 floors and 2 basements. We had to use lots of concentrations, there were still troopers in the building and still watched us. 

“Ghost, move to the building and cut all power supplies, over!”

“ Roger that, boss!”

First basement was separated into 5 rooms, I wasn’t sure what those rooms made for but the doors were quite strong. 

“Power supplies have been terminated, boss, over!”

“ Alright, squad, use your night vision!”

“ I found something boss, there were lots of bombs here; have to hurry, 5 minutes it’s going to explode.”

I and Anakyll, we went down to the second basement, there were 5 troopers down there. 

“Anakyll, use your grenade, I’ll go to another way, see you at the door, move!”

I went to another way in order to encircle enemies. When I reached the corner in the back of them I told Anakyll to throw grenade.

“BOOM!” grenade exploded. 

“ Go! Go! Go! Anakyll” I shouted.

I have shot 3 down and others two were by Anakyll. 

“Use C-4 to crack the door, Anakyll!”

“ 3...2...1…Boom!” C-4 exploded.

“ Dr. Gabriel! I’m Goliath, captain of Mercury Company, Agacia dept.” 

“I came here to take you back to Agacia from an order of General Volka Labracroft”

“Alright, alright!”

“ Ghost, we are going to move out, call an air support and helicopter!”

“Roger that, boss!”

“Squad, regroup at the check point, go go go!” I ordered.

“Um…boss, tanks and troopers are here, you have to hurry, run!” Ghost shouted. 

“ Go Go Go!”

“Anakyll, prepare your C-4 remote, we are going to make a firework!”

“Roger, boss!”


From the building to check point we had to pass the main road again, and that time, tanks and new trooper units were ready in position; they tried to find us immediately. Kane, Goldberg, Murdock h have already reached check point and waited. Helicopter and air support were coming during the time. I thought, I have to protect Dr. safely because I fell down into these things too much than I should. We could not use the old way we came in, we had to use another way paralleling with the old way. There were lots of enemies tried to find us. Main thing they would do was to kill not to ask. 

“Boss, helicopter is here, where are you?”

“ I’m on the way Murdock, running!”

We ran on the path where enemies shouldn’t know. We crossed the road in order to move on the main road we came, suddenly, lots of bullets dashed to us. I have been shot at my shoulder and Anakyll has been shot at his left leg. We fell down to the ground and I said to Dr. to run forward quickly. I turned my face to Anakyll who trying to grab his gun.

“Anakyll, bomb these fucking shit quickly!”I shouted.
 “I have lost it, boss!” Anakyll shouted.

We had few chances to survive, my gun was away and I couldn’t go to pick it up because lots of enemies were walking to our position. 

I thought, it would be my last time on earth. I lied down on the ground and watched the sky, immediately; I saw six F-22 raptors, air supports, fired their missiles to tanks and troopers. I stood up and dragged Anakyll to check point quickly. All enemies and tanks have been destroyed and we, again, survived. 

We moved back to the base, and we spent times for 22 hours in that mission.

After we reached the base, commander told us to take a rest. My squad went out I still stood there. I asked him about the book, why it was very important, so I went to a security room with commander and Dr. Dr. went to see the book and requested my commander a pen and papers. He spent times for a while in order to analyze what inside the book were, finally, he came out and told my commander,
“There are some things in the book I couldn’t recognize; you have to send someone to learn how to use it.”
“Where?” my commander asked.
“WU town, a town of Wiseman.”
That time, I thought everything would be finished after I took Dr. Gabriel back, but it wouldn’t. He couldn’t describe whole contents in the book; it didn’t mean that what I have done had no any meaning, but it was not all the thing we wanted. The book hasn’t been identified what related to our world yet. We still had to find out the ways to crack that book down. After Dr. said that, my commander, again, ordered me to go to WU town. As an order, I shouldn’t ask anything, but I really wondered to know, why me?


       Commander told me, “Goliath, you have spent lots of your times with this thing. Our mission is to find out what inside “English Grammar” were. If we can crack the book down, we will know everything about it. Things you always wondered to know for long time, you will know if you go to that town. This mission is not only for our country, but for you. You always wanted to know about this thing since you have accepted previous missions. I could see in your eyes when you looked at the book, you thought, why you had to sacrifice everything in order to know what the book’s contents were. If you restrain oneself to know about this book for once, going to WU town is the only one way to recognize it, my son.”

“ How long I have to stay there?” I asked.

“Four years son, just four years.” Commander answered while walking out the room and left me with the book.
“What? Four years to learn about English? For God’s sake!”
“I’m a soldier not a philosopher!”

“Even you are a soldier, you still have to learn, right?” strange voice came out from the room’s corner. 

“Who are you?” I shouted.

“I’m your imagination.” He said.

         “I can be appeared by your mind. Now; you are very confusing in what you are going to do. You cannot hide from whatever you dislike. You have to walk through it, even sometime; it will make you fall down. This time again, you have to go to somewhere you dislike in order to learn something that, again, you dislike also. I can see your mind clearly, your dream is to be a soldier and I know you can be a good soldier as your dream. Your destiny, sometime, it won’t be as you think, it can go to good and bad and you couldn’t change it. However, it doesn’t seem to be that ways all the times, you still can control your destiny by your stepping the way you choose is the way you walk. Only 4 years, aren’t too long, trust in what you know, you will be alright. When the times are over you may know what you exactly want to be, a soldier or a philosopher. Be faithful!”

“Hey, where are you? Are you still here?” I shouted as I didn’t see his appearance.

         That time, it wasn’t the same as I had to leave from my base. I had to stay in WU town for 4 years without any violence, gun, grenade, tanks, and messy situation, I thought.

           As I was preparing my equipments, my family were coming, Anakyll, Ghost, Murdock, Kane, Goldberg, and commander. They came to see me and gave me things for recalling them. I was very glad when I saw everyone came to see me in the last minutes.

I came to WU town by Airbus A400 M, but hadn’t to parachute again. 

There were lots of people in WU town. WU town has been located in grassland. It was a place where has never been attacked until nowadays. It was a place of wise men. Lots of wise men were stayed here to give knowledge to following generations. In WU, there were many branches. I have been added to School of Liberal Arts, English major. This major was specified to learn and teach pure English. There were 11 masters in my major; all masters were very kind and being good teachers to me.  Lots of learners came from many places all over country, Agacia. At for the first year, I didn’t know anything much about English. I still had to depend on others learners, especially, English Grammar, thing I wanted to find out.

First year, things I had to learn were about Basics English. In fact, my basics were not good at the first stage. I meant, I didn’t really know what English was, basics combat were easier. 

         Second year, it seemed harder than first year. I faced with many English abstracts. I meant lots of English theories. All English skills had been recognized deeper in this year.

         Third year was the most comfortable year. If you could pass the second year, third year wasn’t your horrible year as well.

            Fourth year, as I’m writing this story. Now, this is my fourth year since I left from Mercury Company. I’m still missing them while I’m writing this. Fourth year is the hardest year for me. Lots of things I have to deal, lots of things I haven’t know yet, and lots of things I still remember. There are only 1 month and a half left before I will be going to use my knowledge I have learned in reality before going back to my base.  Things I came to find, I haven’t realized clearly yet. My times are going out while my main mission hasn’t finished yet.

            Now, Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading, are available, yet I still can’t realize in “English Grammar”. I can’t go back to my base as I don’t know about English Grammar clearly. I have to move forward in order to find out what “English Grammar” is and why it is so important for English. What is it? Is it a heart of English or is it a God of English? I can’t answer right now, but one day I will. One day I will back to my homeland and crack that book down, nothing can break me, I used to be a brutal soldier, but now, I’m a knowledgeable soldier. Someone used to say, “Killing someone is easy as breathing when you are under lots of pressures” then, learning something is easy as breathing when you are under lots of attentions”. 

Story description for more understandings:

       Readers may confuse what I have written. In fact, the story is very quite simple if you can catch the main idea. Main idea is “English Grammar Book” which Goliath or I trying to get and find out what it is.
           Location or theme I have expressed, I just wanted to pepper the story more interesting.
You can see that I represented myself as a soldier who always fought, it represented  my past life, I always had problems, my life was not splendid all the times. I didn’t care about my life enough, just did what I wanted, one day, my life has been changed to nowadays, in Walailak University.
        Commander represented my parents who always guided me what I should do, even sometimes, I didn’t agree with what they have said.
My squad represented my friends in the past, or you can say my gang.

Question: “Why English Grammar was very influencing to my story?”

Answer: Because, it is the only one thing I hate most until nowadays, I still don’t know about it deeply. I can’t remember Tenses or anything about grammar. That’s why.
So, theme of my autobiography is relationship between me and English using a making story as a representation.
I don’t hate English, I love it, just hate some of it, it is too complicated for me in order to engage, that’s. 

1 comment:

  1. ^^, Hey, thanks for all coming and reading my auto! Hope you enjoy it!
